Educational Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy: University of Canberra, Completed in 2007 (Australia Postgraduate Award)
Post Diploma: Visual Art, L’École des Beaux-Arts, Marseille, France, Completed in 1999 (Ian Potter Foundation Grant)
Bachelor of Visual Art (Honours): Australian National University, Visual Art and Art Theory, L’École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France, Completed in 1996 (Telstra Scholarship)
Grants and Awards
2016-2019 | ARC Discovery, Understanding Australian in the Age of Humans, ($431,150.00)
2018-2020 | CDIP Industry and Community Engagement Fund (20,000)
2016 | HETI Health Education Training Institute ($20, 480)
2015 | Research Office Grant for ARC Discovery ($30,000)
2012-2014 | SyReNs The Sydney Network on Climate Change and Society ($360,000)
2012 | Regional Arts Development Fund (5,000)
2011 | Creative Development Grant, Wilderness Society (2,000)
2009 | Teaching and Research- Scholarship Grant, The University of Sydney (10,000)
2008 | Excellence in Teaching Award (2,000)
2003-2006 | Australian Postgraduate Award (Awarded PhD place and full scholarship) (90,000)
2000 | The Fluid Gene, Best Film, Electric Shadows Cinema (5,000)
2000 | Chihuly Inc, Creative Fund to curate and create, Seattle, USA (20,000)
1999 | Ian Potter Foundation Scholarship (to study at the Beaux-Arts in France) (2,000)
1999 | Masterworks in Glass, Commission, Australian National Gallery (3,000)
Selected Journal & Book Chapters
2022 | Rui, Z., Gu, Z., de Bérigny C., Meditation based brain painting promoting foreign language memory through establishing a brain-computer interface, Information and Communication Technology in Education, International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Education.
2019 | Niranjika Gunaratne & De Berigny, C. Breathing Spaces: International Journal of Arts and Humanities, November, Volume 7, Number 10.
2018 | Rebekah, Araullo, De Berigny, C, Gough, P. Form and Media to Convey Coral Bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef, International Journal of Arts and Humanities, Volume 7, Number 10,
2017 | Sladescu, M. de Berginy C., Hill, Glen Architecture for Regenerating Living Ecosystems: Designing a clay module for a vaulted dome structure, The Design Journal, Taylor and Francis, (accepted and forthcoming).
2016 | P Gough, Dunn, K, de Bérigny, Promoting Climate Change Awareness through Environmental Education, Sea Trust Institute, USA
2016 | de Bérigny C, Zinovieff, F., Cockrane, K., Kim, Y., Rui, Z, EEG and Sonic Platforms to Enhance Mindfulness, International Journal of Arts and Humanities, Vol 5, No 9, September, pages 1-12,
2014 | de Bérigny C, P Gough, Felah M & Woolsey, E. Tangible User Interface Design For Climate Change Education & Interactive Installations, Leonardo, Peer Reviewed, Vol. 47., No. 5, MIT Press. 1st author.
2013 | de Bérigny C, M, Faleh, (Re) Creating Lively Cities through Ambient Technologies: Arts, Culture, and Gastronomic Experiences, INTERACT 2013, published peer-reviewed.
2012 | de Bérigny C, G. Wu & P Gough, Precursor to New Forms of Transmedia Based Art, International Journal of Technoetic Arts, Volume 9, issue 1.
2011 | de Bérigny C and E Woolsey, Climate Change, The International Journal of Climate Change, published refereed journal article, 1st Author, Rio.
2009 | de Bérigny, C., & Wang, X., InterANTARCTICA, The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 8(1): 17-26, First Author.
2007 | de Bérigny, C. 'Hijacking Documentary into Installation Art', Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, Vancouver, Canada, Issue 3, Summer, (solo authored journal article),
2007 | de Bérigny, C. Hijacking the UnAustralian: Islamic Intertext, Continuum: The Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, Vol. 21, No. 4, p. 517-519, December.
Selected Conference Papers
2018 | Cochrane, K, Loke, L, de Bérigny, Campbell, A, Sounds in the moment: designing an interactive EEG nature soundscape for novice mindfulness meditators, Conference: the 30th Australian Conference, published peer-reviewed conference paper, 3rd author.
2017 | de Bérigny, C. Reinhart, D., Fay, N. Reimaging Coral Reefs: Remodelling Biological Data in the Design Process, ISEA I 23rd International Symposium on Electronic Art, University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia, 1st author.
2017 | Loke, L. de Bérigny, Kim, Y. C. Cockrane, C. .Nunez-Pacheco, C. Visualising the Meditating Mind, ISEA I 23rd International Symposium on Electronic Art, University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia, 2nd author.
2015 | de Bérigny C, Felah, M & Zinovieff, F. Mindfulness, Media Façades: Augmenting Urban Locations through Interaction, 20th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Dubai, United Arab Emeritus 1st author.
2014 | De Bérigny, C. Felah M. The Jorn Utzon Architectural Paradigm and the Emerging World Design Experience, The Fourth International Utzon Symposium, Sydney, published peer-reviewed conference proceedings, 1st author.
2014 | de Bérigny, C. Felah, M. Revitalizing Urban Spaces and Cities through Ambient Technologies, International Conference on Arts and Humanities, published peer-reviewed conference proceedings, Hawaii, USA, 1st author.
2012 | de Bérigny C, G. Wu, A Pratomo & P Gough, Communicating Scientific Knowledge via Data Visualisation in a Transmedia Based Installation Artwork, The Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Fourth Author, Hawaii, USA, 1st author.
2011 | de Bérigny C, G. Wu & P Gough, Multiple-Channel Video Installation as a Precursor to New Forms of Transmedia Based Art, International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualisation), 3rd Author, China.
2010 | de Bérigny, C., & Tomitsch, M., InterANTARCTICA: Making Climate Change Tangible, 8th International Conference on Arts and Humanities, published peer-reviewed conference proceedings, First Author, Honolulu, Hawaii.
2009 | de Bérigny, C., & Wang, X., InterANTARCTICA: Tangible User Interface for Museum Based Interaction, The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2009, 8(1): 17-26, First Author.
2008 | De Bérigny, C. & Wang, X. Interactive Antarctic: A Museum Installation based on an Augmented Reality System, International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment, published peer-reviewed conference proceedings, Athens Information Technology (AIT) Center of Excellence for Research, First Author, Athens, Greece.
Excellence in Teaching Award, Vice Chancellor, University of Sydney for innovation in teaching.
Best Film, Fluid Gene, Electric Shadows.
Australian Post-Graduate Award, Awarded Full PhD scholarship.
Telstra Award for Travelling International Scholarship.
Ian Potter Fellowship to study Internationally in France.
2020 | SubAqueous, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney
2019 | Visualising the Anthropocene, 25-meter crescent-shaped screen in the Grand Foyer, Star
2017 | Das letzte Riff, Exo-Evolution, The New Event in the Digital Age, GLOBAL, ZKM, Centre for Art and Media, Germany
2016 | D16, Sydney University, Sydney
2016 | PTOLEMi, Vivid Festival of Light, Music and Ideas, Sydney, Australia
2015 | InterCellular, Vivid Festival of Light, Music and Ideas, Australia
2015 | Drone Yoga, Vivid Festival of Light, Music and Ideas, University of Sydney, Australia
2015 | Reefs on the Edge, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
2015 | DesignInk Ecology, World Environment Day, Vivid Festival, Sydney
2015 | To See the Sea, Vivid Festival of Light, Music and Ideas Central Park, Sydney
2014 | Mind Paintings, Central Park, Sydney, Australia
2014 | 7mm Pitch, Central Park, Sydney, Australia
2013 | Euphonious Mobius, Vivid Festival, Sydney
2013 | Earth, Water, Fire, Ice, Culture at Work, Sydney, Australia
2012 | Underwater Abstraction: WerkStad, Berlin, Germany
2012 | Reefs on The Edge, Verge Gallery, Sydney, Australia
2012 | Underwater Abstraction: ANCA Gallery, Canberra, Australia
2012-13 | Reefs on the Edge: McLeay Museum, University of Sydney, Australia
2010 | InterANTARCTICA: The Tasmanian Museum and Gallery, Hobart, Australia
2010 | InterANTARCTICA: Performance Space, Carriage Works, Sydney, Australia
2009 | InterANTARCTICA: Canberra School of Art Gallery, ANU, Australia
2009 | InterANTARCTICA: Tin Sheds, The University of Sydney, Australia
2006 | Islamic Intertext, National Museum of Australia, Australia
2006 | Islamic Intertext, Canberra Visual Art Space, Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Australia
2006 | Killing Snow Woman, M16 Art Gallery, Canberra, Australia
2005 | Edible Audience, Liquid Architecture 6, Australian National Gallery, Australia
Work Experience
Academic Positions
2023 Senior Lecturer - Australian Film, Television and Radio School
2022-2023 Senior Lecturer, Southern Cross University
2007-2020 Senior Lecturer, The University of Sydney University (Teaching and Research)
2016-2019 Indigenous Liaison Officer, University of Sydney (First Nations Students)
Industry Experience
Executive Committee Member, Contempo, Art Gallery of NSW
Board member for the Contempo Committee at the NSW Art Gallery, for my role I worked on Contempo’s creative, conversational and community-focused program of events. The cultural program focused on creating community events and talk series to interact with and compliment the NSW Art Galleries exhibitions.
Director Art International Projects, Dale Chihuly Inc., Seattle, Seattle, USA.
Curated and directed international installation art projects in Iceland, Jerusalem, and nationally in the United States.
Assistant Director, Le Monde de l’Art, Paris, France:
Lead key relationships with artists, dealers, museums and galleries, selling artworks, organising and designing publicity, developing client relationships.
Attaché du Cinématographique, Bossa Nova, Paris France
French film publicity, promoting four films at the 1997 Cannes Film Festival, including ‘The Eel’, a Japanese film by Shohei Imamura, which won the first prize ‘Palme d’Or, communicating and organising schedules for the French media, film directors, producers and cast members.
Teaching Experience - Courses taught, developed and co-ordinated include:
· Interactive Media (Undergraduate)
· Digital Video Design and Production (Masters)
· Interation Design Studio (Undergraduate)
· Advanced Screen Production (Undergraduate)
· Time Based Media Lab (Masters)
· Digital Media Production (Undergraduate)
· Art, Technology and Culture (Masters)
· Graduation Studio (Masters)
· Design Thinking (Undergraduate)
· Screen Studio (Masters)
· Cinema Studies
Special Electives - Exhibitions of the students work presented for the following galleries, museums and art festivals: Vivid Festival of Light, Music and Ideas, ANU Art Gallery, Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery, ZKM Centre of Media Arts Germany, Macleay Museum, Australian National Maritime Museum, Central Park - Sydney, Star, Tin Sheds Art Gallery and Carriageworks.